Linguistics Anonymous

31 January 2008

Back in business

At today's UnderLings meeting, we decided to revive the undergraduate blog without renewing the domain, which means we're back to good old Blogger. As the current Events Coordinator and Field Marshal of Keepin' It Real, I think this is a good idea; the current seniors in particular have got some really interesting research going on, and we ought to be sharing it. Also, an informal blog like this will be a great way to get new people interested in Cornell UnderLings.

I believe I'll start keepin' it real by calling on my fellow UnderLings to start posting again. Let's hear about some of these upcoming honors theses. If you're not doing a thesis, don't let that stop you–post about what you're learning in your ling classes, or about something you heard on the street that got you thinking. I wouldn't mind getting some responses to the article in the Sun about Cornellian slang– any takers?

And as long as I'm giving out ideas, how about a shameless plug for the 2008 Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium? Abstracts are due in a week (Feb. 8th), so it's not too late, but it will be soon. Mark your calendars for March 8-9th if you're on campus, and be sure to show up even if you aren't presenting, because it's sure to be a great event. Here's the call for papers.

Stay tuned for some tidbits about what I'm up to with the semantics of Japanese honorifics. To any visitors, welcome, and to the contributors, welcome back.

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